NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 10.84 Wisconsin State Statutes that a REGULAR meeting of the Board of Education of the Cedar Grove-Belgium Area School District will be held on Monday November 8, 2023 @5:30pm at the Cedar Grove-Belgium High School located at 321 N. 2nd Street, Cedar Grove, WI.
Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order
Roll Call
Proof of Notice
Approve the Agenda
Administer Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Board Member, Jennifer Schueller
Accept Donation from National Exchange Bank
Approve Request for High School Guitar Club
Approve Baseball Club Fundraiser and Signage
School board members are scheduled to partake in training facilitated by Brian Waterman, who serves as the school attorney. This training is aimed at enhancing their knowledge and understanding of legal matters pertinent to their roles and responsibilities within the school board..